Welcome to the Mr. Reeve Michael show ,featuring Miss Sailor as his assistant ."Welcome, one and all . This is Reeve speaking, so you better listen!The big guy is watching, so you better be good and do this for me!(Cut to Miss sailor)The" Princess and the Frog" is coming out tomorrow ,so you better go see it ! " In a nut- shell,a Princess kisses a Frog and the Princess turns into a frog, too! ( cut to commercials) During this jolly but sugary season,make sure you use Crest for PURITY ,and for bad breath after kissing frogs!(cut back to show) "Well, that's all for tonight folks, but have a happy holiday!"

Please leave a comment saying what you want for Christmas!

Please leave a comment saying what you want for Christmas!

Trivial pursuit. And a nap.
Oh Sailor,
You are going to make Reeve's day. He is dying to make his own blog and a featurette on yours is just what he needs!
I want to see this movie, but movies are pretty pricey so we might have to wait to redbox it.
are you going to see it soon?
I heard it was getting good reviews.
For Christmas I want to play your mom's trivial pursuit and I'll take a nap, too :).
No really I need some good rubberbands and a book. very exciting, I know.
We love you and I wish you were coming here for new years...you haven't been to visit in a long time! (since sunny was born i think, or i guess since davey was born....I'm going to have to have another baby just so you will come and visit!) just kidding!
How is that DS...?
Love, H
Hi Sailor.
Was the idea good?
So, I hope everybody liked it.
Well for Christmas I want a remote control airplane and a castle.
Really I wanted jet packs to fly with and a DS, too, but my Mom says they are too expensive, but I don't believe her.
Bye. Love Reeve
Happy Christmas!
ps...maybe you and Reeve should do movie reviews once in a while on your blog....that would be fun to hear what you thought of the movies you saw...
you guys could each writea little something on what you thought of Fantastic Mr.Fox...who you liked , what you didn't like, what was funny, what was sad...that kind of stuff. West-O could do it too.
We could call it movie madness or something..
I want to see this movie, too. It looks good. I think I want what your mom wants for Christmas. I also want perfection and a book of brain games. What do you want for Christmas?
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