Monday, October 26, 2009

Holiday Helper for Halloween

Hello! I'm doing a holiday helper for Halloween. For those of you who don't know what "holiday helper "is, I post about little crafts or recipes you can do to help you celebrate.This time I will teach you a craft my mother (visit her blog here ) in the past when she was a school teacher,used to do with her pupils.You will need :paper,glue, scissors,and a picture from a favorite Halloween book.

Choose a full sheet of background color, then trace your design onto scraps of colored paper. You can use wax paper to copy a design that is hard to trace. Lay it over the page in the book and trace the design. Then you can staple your waxed paper to colored paper and cut our just the right piece. Try to find the simple shapes in your chosen picture. Cut out the shapes on colored paper and glue them on a background. I chose to copy Tillly Witch. West chose the back cover from Shake dem Halloween Bones. Glue the pices together and Voila! A Halloween literary masterpiece!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Toy Story Double Feature

Yesterday, my Tuinei cousins from Provo, Grandma and Grandpa, and my family went to a new restaurant called "The Brick Oven" for pizza, followed by a movie. At our movie theater, a Toy Story double-feature in 3D was playing. We had such a good time and I really wanted to recommend the movies to my fellow readers .I 've loved Toy Story since I was a baby and I was so excited to see one and two in one sitting. I love all the characters, especially Buzz., Woody, and Little Bo Peep. (When I was four I was Bo Peep for Halloween and my little brother was Woody.) Toy Story is a great movie for all ages:kids love the cartoon animation;and grown-ups love the hilarious jokes. I had never been to a double feature before. I would recommend getting free refills on your popcorn! Oh, and don't miss the fun trivia questions and bits that they show during intermission.

What's your favorite part from the Toy Story Movies? Leave a comment!
One of my favorite parts is when Tour Guide Barbie is getting worn out saying good-bye.
Bye, Bye now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


My mom is hosting a give away at Click here to leave a comment and enter!It ends midnight today! Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 9, 2009

LG on the Go's Friday Faves

La la la...Warm woolen mittens, bright copper kettles, and brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favorite things.... Those are pretty good, but I happen to have my own favorites.

Finally, I am taking after some of my aunts and doing Friday Faves. So, as the song says, these are a few of are favorite things:
If you've ever been on the Disneyland ride Toy Story Mania, then you'll love this new 3D game for the Wii. It's got loads of games. My favorite is Ham's Movements, where you mirror Ham's actions. It's hilarious!
I'm enamored with the Fablehaven series. Thanks, Aunt Michelle for recommending these exciting books by Utah author and NYT bestseller, Brandon Mull.
In a nutshell, two kids spend the summer with their reluctant grandparents, only to find out that their grandparents are caretakers for magical creatures. Mischief and misadventure are inevitable.
Yoplait Whips are out of this world. OK, so they're not chocolate candy, or french fries, but for a healthy treat they go down nice and smooth.
Here's a family classic:
If you've never seen Arsenic and Old Lace, then get ready to laugh yourself silly. Mortimer Brewster has just written a book about how horrible marriage is, so of course in the opening scene....he's getting married. And that's just the beginning. Get ready for murder, suprise, mayhem, insanity, and lots of deep belly laughs.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Report on Roanoke Island

Do you like mysteries? History contains many of the world's best mysteries. For example, consider the mystery of Roanoke Island. What happened to the English colonists of Roanoke?

Actually, we know quite a bit about Roanoke Island before the settles disappeared. The 177 colonists arrived in 1587, too late in the season to plant crops. Their organizer was Sir Walter Raleigh, but he only dropped them off on the tiny island in North Carolina. However, he left John White in charge. White was an artist and mapmaker who had been to Roanoke before. This time he brought his daughter, Eleanor Dare and her husband.
The settlers were last seen in late August. John White realized that they would not have enough food, so he sailed back to England to get more supplies. Right before he set out, his daughter Eleanor had a baby named Virginia Dare. John made a plan with the settlers that if they moved on to a different area they would carve a message on a chosen tree. Little did John know that war in England would delay his return.
Three years later, John was startled to find that the settlers had disappeared. His only clue was the letters "CRO" carved on the chosen tree. John White never saw any of them again.
What happened to them? Where did they go? Well, one possibility is that they could have starved. But that is unlikely because White would have seen skeletons and other signs of distress. They could been attacked by the Spanish or the Indians, but then they would not have been able to carve CRO on the tree. The most likely theory is that they joined with Indians and went to Croatan Island. Actually, a few years later, light-eyed Indians were found not far from Roanoke Island. They could possibly be descendents of Virginia Dare and John White.
Nobody has ever solved the mystery of Roanoke Island, but it is still fun to learn about. Maybe you could someday solve the mystery of Roanoke Island, or one of history's other mysteries.